Bildungsverlag Eins

Digital vocational training.

Teach trainers digital learning. 99% of all trainees live digitally. The 4.0 industry has long been a reality. 4.0 skilled workers are the capital of the future. It is high time to think digitally about vocational training. Georg is the digital training tool of Bildungsverlag Eins, the path to the digital working world. Georg makes trainees fit for the 4.0 industry. With Georg, companies secure the skilled workers of tomorrow and thus their own future. The aim of the campaign is to communicate the advantages of digital vocational training to those responsible for training., Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Anzeige Lernstandsfeedback

Ad campaign motive learning level feedback, Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Anzeige Digitale Ausbildung

Ad campaign motive digital training, Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Anzeige Abwesenheit

Ad campaign motive absence, Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Anzeige Digitale Berufliche Bildung

Ad campaign motive digital vocational training, Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Anzeige Prüfungsvorbereitung

Ad campaign motive exam preparation, Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Anzeige Selbstgesteuertes Lernen

Ad campaign motive self-directed learning, Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Frau, Laptop, Büro

Georg website, Website Georg, Westermann Verlag, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Ausbilder, Azubi

Georg website, Georg, Westermann, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Broschüre

Georg brochure, Georg, Westermann, Berufliche Bildung, Digital, Broschüre

Georg brochure

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